QRP page added
What is QRP, what equipment do you neeed, what antenna is the best?Look for answers and information on QRP in the Menu
Amateur Radio Station – DL2MDU
Amplifier Antenna CW DX Tubes Tuner
What is QRP, what equipment do you neeed, what antenna is the best?Look for answers and information on QRP in the Menu
In my life as a Radio Amateur I loved to work holiday style from different Islands. Therfore I used wire antennas. But those antennas need trees or poles to hang it up. In the year […]
I wrote an article for the CQDL (DARC Amateur Radio Club Magazine) about the S-Match Coupler project. Then I have loaded a short presentation and the schematics to the website.
Schematic has been changed with C14 added as the screen bypass capacitor. Usually a screen bypass capacitor is built into the socket. There are sockets for Audio Amplifier without the capacitor. When I built that […]
The Band Decoder for the 6 to 1 Antenna Switch is working now very well. QSYing is easy going now! I wrote a new code and uploaded it into the Arduino NANO to fit it […]
After trying some different input circuits the conclusion was a series tuned circuit, with a 1 turn link coupling. The coil is 3 turns with ~3/8 id. The coupling loop is about halfway meshed. I […]
I am working at the cavity to improve the input. Because of high SWR I made some experiments with the input circuit. After testing the new input circuit I will show the results here.
This year my lovely wife (Heike, DL3HD) and I (Chris, DL2MDU) had a wonderful vacation in the Wild West of the USA. On our way from San Diego to San Francisco we had the plan […]
A few years ago I have built a Z-Match tuner for QRO. I like antennas fed with open feeder and the priceless advantage of low less in the feeding line. Continue …
Today I started assembling the new K3S Transceiver from ELECRAFT. I used a K3/100 since 2013 on Holidays. In April 2013 I have bought a K3/100 as a kit. Assembling was easy. Performance is outstanding. […]